We guarantee constant high quality even in case of short-term changes. For example, we are able to provide specialists capacities through our three operational locations at short notice. We grow with your requirements.
Attractive value-for-money ration
Based on your demands, we develop a fair and transparent offer for you. Through our Nearshoring locations, we guarantee competitive prices, enthusiastic specialists and an experienced management team.
Around the clock service, 365 days a year
Offer your customers a constant 24/7 availability with CMX: We are here for your customers, whenever you need our services and on all channels. Needless to say that this applies also when peaks shall be handled in short term.
Young team of agents with plenty of academics
The mix is key! Our team consists mostly of young academics, as well as experienced contact center employees. We speak not only the language of our clients, but also understand in detail their particular requirements.
Failure safty
Through our three locations, we react not only flexibly to your requirements, but also guarantee failure safety through our central management at our location in Skopje, North Macedonia.